being three

being three

is this real life? is this how all 3 year olds are? have i done a horrific job of parenting these last 3 years? is this how he's going to be the rest of his life? wheres the alcohol?

those are the questions i ask myself on a daily basis. i remember people telling me "if you think 2 is bad, just wait until 3" and i hated hearing that. no one wants to be told that things are just going to get worse. what a terrible thing to tell someone. but man, they were right. i don't know where my sweet angel simms went, but i sure miss him.

this past fall i bought simms all his winter shoes: tennis shoes, chelsea boots, hunter boots, snow boots, etc etc etc) well in the past month he started complaining about ALL of them. he says that every pair hurts (they are all his size.) it got so bad that he refused to wear any shoes that weren't his "house shoes" and i got so tired of hearing the crying that i started buying shoes two sizes too big..thinking that would solve the problem. two sizes two big has GOT to feel great, right? WRONG. now he's complaining about the socks. so guess whats in the mail... UGGS! i swear on all things holy if he complains about them, I quit!!!!

but it doesn't stop there. he's also been refusing any pants that have buttons. i mean like he loses his mind if they have buttons. finally the other day i said "why don't you just dress yourself in what you want to wear"...

he came out in sweatpants, a bamboo pajama shirt, and house slippers and said 


he never used to be like this. he would wear anything i put on him. shoes too small? no problem! he ate 90% of whatever i picked for him to eat too. but now the list of things he will eat is getting shorter and shorter. and oh! i almost forgot to mention the talking back. if i try to send him to time out he tells me he won't go and other horrific backtalk. he has become the ULTIMATE threenager. yesterday i cut up an apple and put it in a bowl and told him to share it with his brothers. he refused and i took it away. i told him for AN HOUR while he cried that he could have it back when he would share it and all he had to do was be nice. he refused and said "i am really mad at everyone in this house!" i have tried so hard to talk him through things but MAN is he stubborn. not sure where he gets that from 😏

it goes without saying, that I absolute adore him, but just hoping things get better..... and already praying for myself when the twins are this age 😑 

so does it get better? is this normal?



neighborhood barre

neighborhood barre

layered black

layered black